Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Paralympics 2012
seriously this is one of the best videos i have ever seen and makes me want to go to london: http://thechive.com/2012/07/19/everyones-talking-about-the-olympics-but-the-paralympics-are-just-as-inspiring-video/
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Bro Hymn
Especially those who weren't with us too long
Life is the most precious thing you can lose
While you were here the fun was never ending
Laugh a minute was only beginning
Canton, Colvin, Nichols, this one's for you
Ever get the feeling you can't go on
Just remember whose side it is that you're on
You've got friends with you till the end
If you're ever in a tough situation
We'll be there with no hesitation
Brotherhood's our rule we cannot bend
Whoa oh oh oh oooooooooooooooooooooh
When you're feeling too close to the bottom
You know who it is you can count on
Someone will pick you up again
We can conquer anything together
All of us are bonded forever
If I die you die that's the way it is
Whoa oh oh oh oooooooooooooooooooooh
To all my friends, present past and beyond
To all those who weren't with us too long
Life is the most precious thing you can lose
While you were here the fun was never ending
Laugh a minute was only the beginning
Canton, Colvin, Nichols, this one's for you
Whoa oh oh oh oooooooooooooooooooooh
Aids to contrition and reconciliation: Buddhist, Christian, Pagan
This is an amalgamation of two translations: one by Robert Aitken Roshi, of the Diamond Sangha in Honolulu, and one found on BeliefNet and attributed only to “anonymous”–which it is–it’s a very old Buddhist text.
All the evil karma, ever created by me since of old,
on account of greed, anger, and ignorance, which have no beginning,
born of my conduct, speech and thought,
I now confess openly and fully.
This Buddhist “Prayer for the Courage to Look Within” was posted by BeliefNet member kuliLinei:
May all sentient beings have the courage to look within themselves and see the good and bad that exists in all of us. May we open our hearts, shining the light of love into the dark recesses where doubt and fear reside. May we have the courage to step into that light and embrace whatever we find, letting it rise to the surface freed by the act of loving kindness.
O my God,
I am sorry for my sins because I have offended you.
I know I should love you above all things.
Help me to do penance,
to do better,
and to avoid anything that might lead me to sin. Amen.
I find this one very moving despite the fact that I can’t in any way accept the idea that Jesus’s Passion atoned for us, so that I’d edit out “the most bitter Passion of My Redeemer.”
Forgive me my sins, O Lord,
forgive me my sins;
the sins of my youth,
the sins of my age,
the sins of my soul,
the sins of my body;
my idle sins,
my serious voluntary sins;
the sins I know,
the sins I do not know;
the sins I have concealed for so long,
and which are now hidden from my memory.
I am truly sorry for every sin, mortal and venial,
for all the sins of my childhood up to the present hour.
I know my sins have wounded Thy Tender Heart,
O My Savior, let me be freed from the bonds of evil
the most bitter Passion of My Redeemer. Amen.
O My Jesus, forget and forgive what I have been. Amen.
. . . or is it Neo-Paganism? I don’t know the origin of this prayer, just that it is published in A Book of Pagan Prayer by Ceisiwr Serith (York Beach, ME: Red Wheel/Weiser, 2002). I found it on BeliefNet. I like the prayer’s being directed to various guides.
A Prayer to the High Gods at Bedtime
As I go to bed, I pray to the High Gods.
I offer you my worship, and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the gods of my household.
I offer you my worship and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if I have done anything today to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to the Ancestors.
I do you honor and ask you to bless my family.
I ask if you I have done anything to offend you.
If I have, I ask for forgiveness and for guidance,
that I might walk the sacred path in peace and in beauty.
As I go to bed, I pray to all numinous beings.
I do you honor and ask that you extend your blessings over me and mine.
Endless Possibilities
I want to taste and glory in each day,
and never be afraid to experience pain; and never shut myself up in a
numb core of nonfeeling, or stop questioning and criticizing life and
take the easy way out. To learn and think: to think and live; to live
and learn: this always, with new insight, new understanding, and new
love. – Sylvia Plath
Film crit hulk is a ridiculously intelligent and insightful film critic who uses the gimmick of assuming the persona of marvel's Hulk to write reviews. They are all in caps, but they are incredibly well written, well researched, and thought provoking pieces.
while some tend more towards being funny as well as film criticism, FC Hulk's review of the Julia Roberts movie "Eat, Pray, Love" is especially thought provoking from the standpoint of someone attempting to walk a spiritual path, or even self-improvement path.
read it here: http://filmcrithulk.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/hulk-watch-eat-pray-love-for-you-assholes/
while some tend more towards being funny as well as film criticism, FC Hulk's review of the Julia Roberts movie "Eat, Pray, Love" is especially thought provoking from the standpoint of someone attempting to walk a spiritual path, or even self-improvement path.
read it here: http://filmcrithulk.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/hulk-watch-eat-pray-love-for-you-assholes/
Welcome life as it comes
What you fight against, fights back. What you’re able to welcome and embrace, you’re able to influence and direct.When you welcome the day with genuine enthusiasm, you’re already on your way to putting it to valuable use. When you welcome the challenges, you’ve already begun to transform them into achievements.
Welcome the complaints and criticisms, and you’ll discover pivotal avenues for improvement. Welcome the beliefs and opinions of others, and you’ll markedly strengthen and focus your own beliefs.
Welcome life’s beauty, even in the most ordinary things, and that beauty becomes a part of you. Welcome the unexpected surprises, and they’ll lead you to unexpected treasures.
Get in the habit of welcoming what life brings, and you’ll get out of the habit of fearing what might come. Choose to welcome both the ups and the downs, and even the setbacks will eventually lead you forward.
Instead of figuring out ways to run or hide or fight, welcome life as it comes. Welcome life, and you’ll find great richness in what it brings.
— Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1wk4Fawbc
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Buddhist Forgiveness-When We Have Hurt Another-Part 3
we hurt others, and our conscience is awake, we suffer. While having a
conscience is good, the Buddha is all about the ending of suffering,
right? So, what do we do?
Bhante Bodhidhamma is a vipassana (insight meditation) teacher of
over 20 years experience. He offers some very helpful insight practices
to help us heal our hearts and perhaps (where possible) become
reconciled with those we’ve hurt.(This is Part 3 of a three-part series on learning how to forgive ourselves.)
Here, in Part 3, Bhante Bodhidhamma shows how to heal guilt and remorse through developing goodwill through creative imagination and metta, or loving-kindness.
An Exercise in Creative Imagination to Develop Goodwill
Bring the person to mind and explain your behaviour and how ashamed or sorrowful you feel.Tell them that you wish to be reconciled. Apologize to them. Offer to make amends. Perhaps a present, too.
Here is formula for asking for forgiveness.
Whatever harm I have done to you, in thought, word or deed, by way of greed, hatred and delusion, intentionally or unintentionally, please forgive me.Tell them what good qualities you recognise in them.
Imagine them forgiving you and offering you the hand of friendship.Offer them some blessings for their life.
Can you let yourself be taken back into their heart? To be embraced?
We may need to meet the person and express our remorse.It is important to choose the proper time and place. If we have done the inner work well, our body and facial language will express our contrition. It is always a good starter to let them know we acknowledge our behavior to have been wrong and to apologizes for any hurt caused.
The person will usually take for granted that we have caused them psychological pain. But we in ourselves must only apologize for our part. Unless it is appropriate, and it usually isn’t, there is no need to disabuse them of their misunderstanding, for our purpose is to undermine their suffering.
Perhaps at some later date there may be occasion to discuss the true psychology of suffering. There is no point in offering this understanding to someone who is not prepared for it. It will only cause resentment, for it will seem to them that we are not taking responsibility for their suffering.
What if a person refuses to forgive us and continues to harbour resentment and revenge?
We can but accept that. Let us remember it is not necessary to be forgiven by someone in order to empty ourselves of feelings of shame, guilt and remorse. These will be uprooted by the steps above. In such a case, it is best to stay away from the person.Perhaps after a passage of time we can send out feelers and see if reconciliation is possible. We may even send a present. But our motivation ought to be because we want to undermine that person’s suffering.
Must, ought to, have to. These are words that in some counselling and psychotherapeutic circles are often said to cause further false guilt and self-hatred. This may be true if such demands are put upon us externally or if we take on demands we do not want. But when we take responsibility for our resolutions, when such determinations are our own desires, then they become agents of change.
How do we forgive ourselves?
What if the internal judge will not forgive us even when the other person has done so?We can hear the judge within us:
“I’m terrible!” “How could I do a thing like that?” “Other people must think I’m awful.” “You just can’t improve.” “This is the way I am.” “You deserve the worst!”… and so on; such thoughts can lead to self-harm.
It is important not to identify with this voice. It is just a conditioning within the mind. We do not have to believe it! We do not have to agree with it. Just listen. By just listening, we do not empower it.
Sit quietly with the thoughts and feelings as they arise. Simply listen to this condemning voice as if it belonged to another person. Feel fully the emotions that arise with the voice. In this way you distance yourself from them too. They are just part of the mental turbulence you have created within yourself and it is simply not necessary. Just listening and feeling means we are not empowering those thoughts and feelings and eventually they will die away.
Ask yourself what good does this train of thought do? Surely it is better to do what you can to put right what you did wrong and accept the consequences of your actions.
Forgiveness - Beth Budesheim
Because of past actions based on greed, hatred and delusion, I have developed such and such unskillful habits.
So long as I am not free of greed, hatred and delusion, I will make mistakes.
Finally, from that starting point of “this is the way I am,” to realize you can change!
Make a determination not to behave like that again. Even though I know I may probably act in a similar unskillful way, yet I keep making the effort. In time, the old unskillful habit will give way.
MORE HERE: http://mettarefuge.wordpress.com/2010/01/14/buddhist-forgiveness-when-we-have-hurt-another-part-3/
I have deeply wronged many people. My fear and my insecurities have gotten the best of me for a long time now and as a result i have floundered about and wounded more than i have helped. Ive been telling myself that ive just been trying to survive and keep my head above water, but at this point i think every stroke i made to stay above the tide was one where i accidentally pushed someone further down. Offering my full sorrow at having hurt people i care about, my remorse, my regret is all i can do and hope that i can be forgiven at some point after trying to account and make amends for my actions. I have let my unmindfulness an selfishness wreak havoc in my life and others, i will do what i can to mend the wrongs i have done, and will resolve to not make the same mistakes again.
The Avengers Defeated Irony and Cynicism
Really awesome pop culture article here: http://badassdigest.com/2012/05/20/the-avengers-defeated-irony-and-cynicism/
Friday, May 25, 2012
“The world, Govinda, is not imperfect or slowly
evolving along a path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment;
every sin already carries grace within it, all small children are
potential old men, all sucklings have death within them, all dying
people — eternal life.”
— | Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha |
“I am
not a fool. I am wise. I will run from my fear, I will outdistance my
fear, then I will hide from my fear, I will wait for my fear, I will let
my fear run past me then I will follow my fear, I will track my fear
until I can approach my fear in complete silence, then I will strike at
my fear, I will charge my fear, I will grab hold of my fear, I will sink
my fingers into my fear, then I will bite my fear, I will tear the
throat of my fear, I will break the neck of my fear, I will drink the
blood of my fear, I will gulp the flesh of my fear, I will crush the
bones of my fear and I will savor my fear, I will swallow my fear, all
of it, and then I will digest my fear until I can do nothing else but
shit out my fear. In this I will be made stronger.”
— | Hak-Kin-Dak mantra |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
“Let jealously be your teacher. Jealously can lead
you to the very places where you most need healing. It can be your guide
into your own dark side and show you the way to total self-realization.
Jealously can teach you how to live in peace with yourself and with the
whole world if you let it.”
— | Deborah Anapol, Love without Limits (via nirvikalpa) |
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A Positive Reality
If you choose to cause harm, then you will be harmed by it as
well. If you choose to create value, then you will benefit from that
If you direct your efforts against the interests of others, those efforts will also work to oppose your own true interests. When you work to support others, you also end up supporting and advancing your own life.
Negativity is universally destructive, regardless of the direction in which it is focused. Genuine love is universally creative and beneficial, and goes far beyond its intended object.
Don’t bring your whole world down by obsessing over who or what you are against. Lift your world higher by supporting and advancing the values and visions you are for.
Let go of the fears that hold you back. Grab hold of your most treasured dreams, for they will bring out your highest levels of effectiveness and creativity.
Put your energy and efforts into what you favor. The way to experience a positive reality is to constantly keep your focus on a positive vision.
— Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1uUunniCi
If you direct your efforts against the interests of others, those efforts will also work to oppose your own true interests. When you work to support others, you also end up supporting and advancing your own life.
Negativity is universally destructive, regardless of the direction in which it is focused. Genuine love is universally creative and beneficial, and goes far beyond its intended object.
Don’t bring your whole world down by obsessing over who or what you are against. Lift your world higher by supporting and advancing the values and visions you are for.
Let go of the fears that hold you back. Grab hold of your most treasured dreams, for they will bring out your highest levels of effectiveness and creativity.
Put your energy and efforts into what you favor. The way to experience a positive reality is to constantly keep your focus on a positive vision.
— Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1uUunniCi
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Punk World Gets a Reality Check
In one of the most interesting/unexpected turns ever...Against Me! frontman Tom Gable has come out to Rolling Stone as transgender. She will be going under hormone therapy and reassignment surgery, eventually taking the name Laura Jane Grace. I cant imagine the amount of courage it takes to do this, much less as the head of an extremely popular punk band. While in an ideal world, the Punk community is as diverse and as accepting as it often thinks itself to be, i think in reality that this is going to be a difficult adjustment for many in the punk world.
personally? i think its pretty damn awesome that she has the courage to do this. Against Me! is one of my favorite bands, so i will be sad to see their sound change, but super interested to see what happens from here on out. Show your support!
check it out: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/tom-gabel-of-against-me-comes-out-as-transgender-201205
UPDATE: after some internet searching, the vast majority of people are coming out SO hard in support of Laura Grace and its fucking awesome. I have very seldom been more proud of my community than i am right now. I'm a punk and right now really fucking proud of it.
personally? i think its pretty damn awesome that she has the courage to do this. Against Me! is one of my favorite bands, so i will be sad to see their sound change, but super interested to see what happens from here on out. Show your support!
check it out: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/tom-gabel-of-against-me-comes-out-as-transgender-201205
UPDATE: after some internet searching, the vast majority of people are coming out SO hard in support of Laura Grace and its fucking awesome. I have very seldom been more proud of my community than i am right now. I'm a punk and right now really fucking proud of it.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Your Daily dose of Pratchett Wisdoms
“His philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -- the Cynics, the
Stoics and the Epicureans -- and summed up all three of them in his
famous phrase, 'You can't trust any bugger further than you can throw
him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: it fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination - but at the end of the day they'd settle quite happily for egg and chips. If it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“He'd noticed that sex bore some resemblance to cookery: it fascinated people, they sometimes bought books full of complicated recipes and interesting pictures, and sometimes when they were really hungry they created vast banquets in their imagination - but at the end of the day they'd settle quite happily for egg and chips. If it was well done and maybe had a slice of tomato.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
“What have I always believed?
That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“Death: 'Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a
universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom.'”
― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
“Of course I'm sane, when trees start talking to me, I don't talk back.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
― Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
“Sometimes the truth is arrived at by adding all the little lies
together and deducting them from the totality of what is known.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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[Today’s Workout Routine]
by CurvyThoughts
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[Today’s Workout Routine]
by CurvyThoughts
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Through the Difficulties
One of life’s greatest gifts is the fact that life is difficult.
Because in dealing with life’s difficulties, you build priceless skills.
Those skills enable you to successfully fulfill your deepest, most meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is difficult that you are able to make it great.
It is because life is difficult that you are able to rise above the difficulties. You are able to make a difference and you are able to truly matter.
The burdens you carry can set the stage for your greatest triumphs. The challenges you work through challenge you to become stronger and more capable.
Life’s difficulties provide the resistance to strengthen your life muscles. Though it is painful to feel the burn, it is also immensely satisfying to feel those muscles growing ever more powerful.
Accept and acknowledge life’s difficulties, and you connect yourself with life’s great opportunities. Work your way through the difficulties, and you arrive at sweet, satisfying fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1tvUlQAvY
Those skills enable you to successfully fulfill your deepest, most meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is difficult that you are able to make it great.
It is because life is difficult that you are able to rise above the difficulties. You are able to make a difference and you are able to truly matter.
The burdens you carry can set the stage for your greatest triumphs. The challenges you work through challenge you to become stronger and more capable.
Life’s difficulties provide the resistance to strengthen your life muscles. Though it is painful to feel the burn, it is also immensely satisfying to feel those muscles growing ever more powerful.
Accept and acknowledge life’s difficulties, and you connect yourself with life’s great opportunities. Work your way through the difficulties, and you arrive at sweet, satisfying fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1tvUlQAvY
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Depression is SERIOUS
Depression is serious.
Depression may be described as feeling sad,
blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way
at one time or another for short periods.True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.
It’s difficult sometimes to reach out for help, how do you even know if you’re actually depressed and not just exaggerating? If you’re not willing to reach for a therapist yet, then perhaps taking a quiz from a respectable psychology website will help you. Click here to take the quiz.
Common causes and Risk Factors of Depression
The exact cause of depression is not known. Many researchers believe it is caused by chemical changes in the brain. This may be due to a problem with genes, or triggered by certain stressful events. More likely, it’s a combination of both.
Some types of depression run in families. But depression can also occur if you have no family history of the illness. Anyone can develop depression, even kids.
The following may play a role in depression:
Alcohol or drug abuse
Certain medical conditions, including under active thyroid, cancer, or long-term pain
Certain medications such as steroids
Sleeping problems
Stressful life events, such as:
Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend
Failing a class
Death or illness of someone close to you
Childhood abuse or neglect
Job loss
Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend
- Social isolation
an orgasm a day...
An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.
It’s May, so you should know the truth about orgasms.Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region that produce intensely pleasurable sensations followed by rapid relaxation. Orgasm is also in part a psychological experience of pleasure and abandon, when the mind is focused solely on the personal experience. It is sometimes called climaxing or coming. Sex is really fun, but did you know about the benefits of it?
Health benefits of an orgasm:
- Cut your risk of heart attack in half.
- Prevent cervical infections and helps relieve urinary tract infections.
- Lower your risk of type-2 diabetes.
- Cure you from insomnia.
- Relieves strength.
- Improves self-esteem.
- Helps us understand our partner.
Technically, this means that if you’re having bad sex, you’re going to live less.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
You Only Live Once So Go Fucking Nuts
Brace your eardrums:
Suicide Silence--You Only Live Once
"Push your care, push your burdens aside.
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing on your mind.
You only live once so just go fucking nuts.
Muah.. Go!
Live life hard! (x2)
You only get one shot, so shoot!
With every breath you take, you’re dying.
With every step we take we’re falling apart.
If we only had one chance we'd breathe,
So let’s take this chance right now and scream.
You only live one life, for a very short time.
So make every second divine.
Live life hard! (x2)
Are you still breathing?
It's your heart that’s beating inside that keeps us alive.
And for the very first time we’re pushing aside.
To surrender everything that I see in my eyes,
Except for the one thing on my mind,
That I am alive! For the very first time!
For the first time, pushing worry aside. (x2)
Erase everything inside (x2)
And leave just one thing!
You only get one shot!
You only live once so just go fucking nuts (x4)
Live life hard! (x4)"
Suicide Silence--You Only Live Once
"Push your care, push your burdens aside.
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing on your mind.
You only live once so just go fucking nuts.
Muah.. Go!
Live life hard! (x2)
You only get one shot, so shoot!
With every breath you take, you’re dying.
With every step we take we’re falling apart.
If we only had one chance we'd breathe,
So let’s take this chance right now and scream.
You only live one life, for a very short time.
So make every second divine.
Live life hard! (x2)
Are you still breathing?
It's your heart that’s beating inside that keeps us alive.
And for the very first time we’re pushing aside.
To surrender everything that I see in my eyes,
Except for the one thing on my mind,
That I am alive! For the very first time!
For the first time, pushing worry aside. (x2)
Erase everything inside (x2)
And leave just one thing!
You only get one shot!
You only live once so just go fucking nuts (x4)
Live life hard! (x4)"
Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Hardest Part
Stretch Arm Strong--The Hardest Part
"Wake up!
Sometimes the hardest part
Is finally realizing that things are falling apart
And you have no control over the way things go.
Where do you go and what can you do
When it all comes down to you?
Fall back down, get back up, choke back the dust and stand up.
Will we ever pick ourselves back up?
And on those days that you feel like you can't go on, i'll do my best to be there.
And on those days that you can't go on, i'll do my best to be there.
We waste our days with sorrow in the back of our minds!
We struggle with tomorrow.
It's help us down for way to long.
Will we ever pick ourselves back up?
The sun's a little brighter, my loads just a little lighter,
And i can finally find my way back home.
No shame, no regret.
And on those days that you feel like you can't go on, i'll do my best to be there.
And on those days that you can't go on, i'll do my best to be there.
Hold on, hold on, hold on. all you can do is just be yourself.
Then it's said it's all you have left.
Fortune fades, nothing stays, and in the end, you're to blame.
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