Monday, February 6, 2012

Six Steps to Contentment

Contentment does exist, of course. It is one of the primary characteristics of our own true nature. It is one of the greatest blessings that life has to offer. But like anything truly worthwhile, it has a price.

1. Be willing to forgive.

How can we be content if we carry frozen in our heart — like an iceberg in the Arctic — the raw pain of past injustice? How can we be contented if we think someone, or something is doing is wrong? It is impossible.

The answer is simple. All you really have to do is forgive yourself, and you will automatically forgive everyone and everything else.

How can we forgive ourselves? How can we forgive the shame and fear that have inevitably accrued in our lives?

I find the key is to be still, and realize in the presence of my own eternal being what is forever perfect, timeless, and free. It has never sinned, and is without shame. What does it have to be ashamed about? What is there to forgive? Nothing.

2. Don’t be hostage to your goals.

We need goals in life, of course. We need dreams, and we need to follow our dreams. But I find there is a curious paradox here – a kind of creative tension — because we cannot be hostage to our dreams.

But what is most important? Being true to my own being, forever untroubled and unchanged by anything that happens in my life or anywhere else.

3. Don’t let thoughts rule.

Thinking is essential, of course. But I know I sometimes think too much. Don’t be afraid to give your mind a rest from time to time.

Idle or destructive thoughts cloud the blessing of contentment that is always with us, wanting to be allowed access to our heart.

As Socrates, that great and wise man once said: “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.”

4. Give your gift.

What is the unique gift you bring to this world? Think about this. See if you can describe your gift in a single sentence. We are not just talking about a particular role or activity here, though that’s included, but the unique spirit, or essence that is yours.

Knowing what your gift is and giving it freely, consistently and with love is a sure path to contentment.

5. Listen to your own inner wisdom.

Contentment and wisdom go arm in arm. Even as I write these words a mental image comes to my mind of a pair of young lovers strolling blissfully together in a sunlit garden.

If you would know more contentment in your life, be still, and listen to that quiet voice of wisdom speaking to you from the depths of your being.

6. Love your own being.

Love your own limitless, unconquerable Self with all the passion that is in you. For it is the very source of the contentment and happiness that is your birthright and your “natural wealth.”

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