If you consider yourself to be on any kind of spiritual path, you very likely have had a tendency to be too hard on yourself. You try not to think negative thoughts, to avoid judging others, to avoid "sin". One definition of the word "sin" is "separation from God". We want to avoid our dark side and become of "how we are supposed to be". This way of thinking occurs probably not as the result of religion, but religion has sprouted as the result of this way of thinking.
However, the "shadow" (your dark side) is as much a part of the human experience as is having two eyes. The light and the darkness that are basic components of the psyche, are what enable the human mind to perceive as it exists in material space. There exists both day and night down here on the ground, and the inner world of the human mind adjusts itself accordingly.
As part of our physical evolution, the brain has developed an ability to identify opposites in order to survive. While this platform of duality in perception has allowed us to make great breakthroughs technologically and in the arts and so much more, it is also the foundation of every war - mine versus yours, and us verses them.
Simply "us" or "ours" are very difficult concepts for the brain to hold onto without having to meditate, read spiritual books, go to Satsang, church, temple, etc. This Non-duality flies in the face of everything our brain has told us it needs, in order to navigate its way through material space. However when the body dies, when we leave this place, duality is baggage not required for the journey. Furthermore, you can realize the oneness of all things before having to wait until the body expires. It is possible to navigate through a world of opposites, play by its rules just enough to avoid hurting oneself or others, but also know that none of this is real. This world of the body located in time and space is just a tiny fraction of what is really going on.
Some of you reading this will be asking yourselves, "How do you know?" I know it because I can see it. But so can you, if you're willing to look.
God or Source, being Infinite, is that which you were never apart from in the first place. The illusion of separateness is a trick of the mind. You were never separated from Source. And this is the hallucination that fuels so much suffering in the world. It's what we've structured most of our civilizations on, it is a delusion that holds most of the religions establishment together and keeps them in power, and - it's a lie.
Imagine a world where we all felt safe enough to stop believing in the lie. By all outward appearances, the material world of today is not ready for such a revelation. But are you?
Atman is Brahman.
To know yourself is to know God, and to know God is to know yourself.
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