Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Causeless Happiness

CAUSELESS HAPPINESS: We are told that everything that happens is the result of something else that happened before it, in time. We are told that time exists. And we tend not to question this. The organ housed inside the skull that you sometimes think is you is stuck in time. Our so-called "education" system tells us that everything is occurring according to some sort of system of cause and effect. And that makes perfect sense - to the brain anyway.

When the mind is quiet and and the consciousness transcends the limitations of the body, one enters into a state of causeless happiness - and this discovery sort of turns everything else one has been lead to believe on its head. The discovery of this causeless happiness has a cause, sure. But the happiness itself is causeless. Causeless happiness. But don't take my word for it. Check it out.

There is a bliss that is transcendent of this trap of buying and selling, chasing after this and that, pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain. There is a bliss that is always there, and always here, unchanging while simultaneously always unfolding. To meet that bliss is to meet yourself. To realize the Self is to know freedom, true freedom. But don't believe me. Don't take my word for it. Don't cheat yourself of this beautiful experience, firsthand. Realize the Self and be free.


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